Here is how you can find adesta – we’re looking forward to your visit!
adesta GmbH & Co. KG
Wilhelminenstraße 25
64283 Darmstadt
Telephone: 06151 / 604070
Fax: 06151 / 6040777
E-Mail: darmstadt@ adesta.de
adesta Consulting GmbH
Wilhelminenstraße 25
64283 Darmstadt
Telephone: 06151 / 604070
Fax: 06151 / 6040777
E-Mail: info@ adesta-consulting.de
Please note that:
Our main business office can be found in the Darmstadt pedestrian zone (Wilhelminenstrasse 25). After the pedestrian zone, this street continues as a regular city street. If you enter the street name “Wilhelminenstrasse 25” in a GPS device, you will usually be directed into the city tunnel. Here it is best to use the Wilhelminenpassage parking garage (entrance in the city tunnel, see description below).
You arrive in Darmstadt via the A5 or A67 exits. Follow the signs in the direction of Innenstadt (city center) on Rheinstrasse.
Parkhaus Wilhelminenpassage (Wilhelminenpassage parking garage)
To find the Wilhelminenstrasse parking garage, follow Rheinstrasse until it ends and then enter the city tunnel/city ring. This is located under the pedestrian zone of Darmstadt’s city center. Keep left and after ca. 300 meters into the tunnel, you will see the entrance for the Wilhelminenpassage parking garage (follow the signs). When leaving the parking garage, use the exit toward Wilhelminenpassage and walk through the passage until you reach the Wilhelminenpassage exit. Our offices are located across the way, diagonally to the right in the pedestrian zone—Wilhelminenstrasse 25.
If you are driving in from the north of Darmstadt on Frankfurter Strasse toward the city center: in this case we would recommend using the Wilhelminenpassage parking garage. To find the Wilhelminenpassage parking garage, follow Frankfurter Strasse until it ends and then turn right onto Bismarkstrasse. Then turn immediately right onto Mathildenplatz. On this street, keep left. If you drive straight through the intersection of Zeughausstrasse, you will head right into the city tunnel. From here you can follow the directions for “Wilhelminenpassage parking garage” (see above).
If you are driving in from the east of Darmstadt on the Landgraf-Georg-Strasse toward the city center: In this case we would recommend using the Wilhelminenpassage parking garage. To find the Wilhelminenpassage parking garage, follow Landgraf-Georg-Strasse until it ends and then turn right onto Kirchstrasse (City-Ring). Then you take the next left onto Karolinenplatz. This goes directly over to Zeughausstrasse. At the next intersection, turn left. You are now headed directed into the city tunnel. From here you can follow the directions for “Wilhelminenpassage parking garage” (see above).
adesta GmbH & Co. KG
Waldhofer Straße 102
69123 Heidelberg
Telephone: 06221 / 674 1635
E-Mail: heidelberg@ adesta.de
Our office is located in the “Büropark Wieblingen” (Weiblingen Office Park) at Waldhofer Strasse 102 in the industrial park of the Weiblingen quarter.
The building complex consists of 4 buildings. You will find us at No. 102 on the 1st floor. Please ring at “Ihr Büro” and report to the reception.
Directions when using public transportation:
With the RNV 5 tram line: Heidelberg Hbf – Mannheim Hbf – stop “Weiblingen Traubenfeld.”
Our office is located right at the stop “Wieblingen Taubenfeld” – ca. a 2 minute walk away.
Driving directions:
From Frankfurt or Karlsruhe
- Exit the A5 onto the A656 in the direction of Heidelberg
- Exit: HD-Eppelheim / Industriegebiet HD-Weiblingen
- Get into the lane for Industriegebiet HD-Weiblingen and drive over the bridge
- Take the 3rd right (Grenzhöfer Weg)
- Take the 2nd left (Waldhofer Straße)
From Mannheim
- A 656 until the exit HD-Eppelheim / Industriegebiet HD-Weiblingen
- Get into the lane for Industriegebiet HD-Weiblingen and drive over the bridge
- At the light, make a left
- Take the 3rd right (Grenzhöfer Weg)
- Take the 2nd left (Waldhofer Straße)
From Heidelberg
- Get onto the A656 in the direction of Mannheim
- Exit in the direction of HD-Weiblingen
- Take the 3rd right (Grenzhöfer Weg)
- Take the 2nd left (Waldhofer Straße)
After 300 m, you will find us on the right side of the (Büropark) Weiblingen Office Park.
Use the ample parking available on the street.